Creating your First Post

In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first post. This video talks about basic movement around the website, navigation to a studio and creating content on the website. After this post, consider checking out other videos such as Making the Most Out of Your Posts to get a more advanced look into the editor.

Creating your First Presentation

In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first presentation. We will go over basic navigation to a new presentation, creating new content and finally going over the tools available.  

Create new Presentation, give it a title, then click on the Editor button. This will open up the Slide Editor. There are 3 main sections to the Slide Editor. The Left, Top and Right menus. On the left, we have all of the info about slides and preview images for them. On the Top, there are a variety of content creating buttons and other menus we can bring up. On the Right, if we had any content selected or menu pulled up, we would have the info panel. We'll talk about that more later.

Let's start by adding some content. Let's add a piece of text. Head to the top bar and hover over the icons, eventually you'll see one called "Text". Click it to create some text. On the right side, we can now see the info panel appearing. Use this panel to change Alignment, Color, Font Size and much more. 


When a post is ready to be published, there are some final settings to consider at the bottom of the Create A Post view.


When you publish a post, you have options for who will see the post. The default setting is usually School.

Project: Students explicitly listed as members of that Project.

Studio: Any student enrolled in your Studio.

School: Any student enrolled in the School.

Public: Visible to anyone who visits the link, no login required.


You can allow or disallow Comments on your posts by clicking the radio button. Any students enrolled in your Studio, along with Faculty and Staff, will be able to comment on a post. The default setting is Allow.

Notify Participants

Checking this radio button sends an email alert to everyone in the Studio or everyone in the Project, depending on where the post is located. 


At the bottom of the Create a Post window, you have three options:


Cancels your draft post. No work is saved or preserved.


Saves your post as a Draft. This Draft is only visible to you. If you add a collaborator to a draft post, they will be able to see it as well.

Posts that have been Saved as drafts appear only as a black title - no body of the post will be visible. Saved posts may also appear as Untitled Post in grey, if you did not title the post before Saving. Click the gear icon next to the title to edit this post or Publish.


Publishes your post to the site. Post is visible to the user group defined under the Privacy setting. 

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