Cyborg Enhancements (Period 1)

Today, instead of waiting for natural selection to run its course, we are actively controlling the changes in physical and genetic traits in our species. Technological advancements are happening faster than ever before, and we now have the ability to enhance every aspect of the human body, from appearance, to physical strength, to memory.  We’re approaching an age in which 3D printed organs, augmented vision through telescopic contact lenses, personalized drugs to enhance performance, and brain-computer interfaces to control neuroprosthetic limbs with the mind are no longer ideas of the future. But with all of these augmentations, larger questions abound. How can the design process influence the way we perceive our human potential?

In this studio, students will create beyond-human body extensions and enhancements that range from practical to provocative. Through brainstorming, rapid prototyping, ideation, and ongoing feedback, students will design, build, and activate these enhancements while uncovering what makes us human. 




A concept thesis is an important step in starting a collaborative partner project. We will use this time to combine ideas and arrive at the conceptual directions of our projects. 


Start by sharing the ideas that each partner brought to the brainstorming and what conclusions we arrived at by the end of the session. Take time to figure out shared interests and begin to draft both a project name and a thesis statement of what you will build. 


At the end of this activity, each partnership should have a draft of a project name and a draft of a project concept thesis. 

Embedded Circuits



This activity introduces the technology of DC motors as a possible component to use in prototyping the cyborg enhancement. Motors automate rotational motion in the cyborg design. 


The electrical circuit that powers the motor consists of four basic elements: the battery, the wire, a switch, and the motor. There are a variety of motors, batteries and switches that can be used. You must ensure that the voltage supplied by the battery is within the operational range of the motor. 


Once the motor is spinning an element of the cyborg enhancement, record and upload a video of the prototype in action. 

Story of the

Design Process


Presentations are the story of your project - from early sketches and inspiration, through prototypes and more developed ideas, presentations highlight the pieces of the process that led each student to their latest project.

In this activity, you will compile and create your final presentation, which will become part of your online portfolio of work, able to be shared with the public.


The story of your design process has two components : the visual presentation and the written project description. Each component is outlined below and should be included in the same post.


1: Visual Presentation

You will create a slide deck that captures the story of your design process. Follow the template outlined about and use the slide editor to best represent the artifacts that you have created throughout this studio. If new pictures need to be take, photograph them in a professional manner.

Deliverable 2: Project Statement

The Project Statement is a 1-2 paragraph project description that explains the overall idea of your project to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic. Below is a series of key points to consider as you write this final project description. Keep in mind that you should not simply put all of the answers together -- you must weave it together into a clear story. Add this to your final presentation (in the text section below your slides).

Things to consider:

The what is a clear statement of the overall idea/thesis.

The why explains how your project changes the world. It is the reason your project exists – what social issue is it engaging, who is your project helping, how does the project change the world, and what important social, intellectual, or technical questions does it raise? The scope of the why can vary widely.

The how briefly explains what technical prowess, innovative methods, or cool materials you used in your solution.

The who explains who will use your design, why they will use it, and in what context.

Think of the reader - it is good to imagine that a university admissions officer AND a potential employer in the field of your design should both be able to understand and be excited by the project based on your writing.

Take a look at some of the peer feedback comments for a team project. 

Introduction to Sewing


This is an introduction to sewing through the creation of a simple pocket to hold an object of your choosing. We will be practicing the backstitch a simple hand sewing technique to create a good looking durable seam. 


Start by selecting what will go inside of your pocket and cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than twice the size of that object. Plan and pencil in where seams and hems will be stitched. You will sew the pocket inside out then reverse it to hide the stitches. Remember to leave plenty of margin space to keep your pocket from being too small.  


Photograph your sewn creation and post about the experience of sewing and how you might apply this technique and fabric materials to your cyborg enhancement.