Cyborg Enhancements (Period 1)

Full Scale




Drafting or technical drawing is the discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how something functions or is constructed. Technical drawing is essential for communicating ideas in design, industry and engineering.


Partners will work together to create a full-scale, plan-view drafted drawing of their proposed final prototype. Draft with pencil to start, then use colored markers. As you draw components and parts of the body, think about how you will create and assemble everything. Once everything is drawn, annotate with linear dimensions as much as possible.Create a legend or labels to define what each color means.


A clear photograph of your drafted cyborg enhancement with annotations and dimensions. 

Wearable Embedded LED Circuits


We will be creating a simple LED circuit embedded in a piece of fabric to introduce the concept of wearable technology. 


Learn the basics of electricity, battery voltage, switches, and LED polarity to prototype a simple circuit. Then, consider the possibility of embedding electronics into your cyborg enhancement prototype.  


Photograph your explorations with circuits and post about how electronics might serve in the prototyping and testing of your cyborg concept. 


Feedback is a crucial step in the design process. It exposes you to new ideas, methods, and techniques for developing your ideas further. Continuous feedback throughout the design process also creates a collaborative studio culture, where ideas are shared across projects, which leads to more exciting, developed, and innovative ideas!


In this assignment, you will review the full-scale diagrams made by the project teams in the previous activity and provide feedback to your peers. You may look around the room if the drawings are still available or go to the Projects Tab, and explore your classmates' drawings and descriptions

You and your peers will consider this feedback as your teams decide how to proceed with their final project. Be thoughtful in your feedback, and refer to the guide below when giving feedback to your peers:

How to Give Useful Feedback:

  1. Feedback should never have mean intentions! You can be positive and critical at the same time.
  2. Be as specific as you can.
  3. What kind of feedback would you find helpful if it were your project? Try to give the type of feedback that you would like to receive.
  4. Always elaborate with WHY. Instead of just saying, "your idea is great," explain what part of their project you like, and why you think it is interesting.
  5. Ask questions! If something doesn't make sense to you, ask a question about that part of the project or idea. This is a great method for getting someone to think about new ideas, different perspectives, and new approaches.


Select 3 project teams to provide feedback to. After reviewing their post from the previous assignment, click the "comment" button to add your feedback. You may also ask clarifying questions in your comments.


Idea Jam 




In this brainstorming activity, we will generate the ideas that will define the concepts of our group projects. We will start by generating idea lists individually, then as a group share all ideas on a desk brainstorming boards with writing, drawing, post-it notes, and a lot of discussion.


See slide 5.


At the end of this activity, the group will have created a collective pin-up brainstorming board and posted them here. With this resource, the studio facilitator should take time to partner project pairs and create project folders before the next studio session. The next studio session will begin with the sharing of project concepts and project partnerships. 




We will create montages using photo editing software (or physically by cutting and pasting) of a future world. Imagining either a utopia or dystopia and describe how we arrived at this future. 


Use Photoshop to generate a Fictional Future World. 

Start with a blank canvas with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 or greater. 

Place each element on a separate Photoshop layer

Use high resolutions (large pixel count) images to build your montage

Consider perspective, color, brightness, and scale

Try multiple different options to determine which best tells your narrative


Create a post to showcase your image montage of a future fictional world. 

Write a description to explain the world and how it became that way. 


For Cyborgs


In this precedent research activity, we will individually find a cyborg example on the interest to learn about and present to the rest of the studio.  


Start by watching the videos below, but go on to search the web through Google and YouTube to find examples of living cyborgs. Once you have found a unique example, sign up on the presentation sheet to ensure no two people present the same. Find images and information to create a set of slides in a post to present to the studio. 


Your post should follow the template on the last slide. It should tell the story through a short presentation of your chosen cyborg precedent. 

Wearable Cardboard Mock-Up


Just like the Wearable Performance Piece introduction activity, we will build our first prototypes as full-scale mock-ups to be worn and tested on our bodies. This is an opportunity to test out design shapes, sizes, and techniques of making. 


Begin by sketching the pieces needed to construct your cyborg enhancement. Then assemble the materials needed and create quick mock-ups in paper and cardboard that you can attach to your body. Discuss with your partner what you think of the design and how it could be improved. 


Photograph your sketches and your cardboard prototypes and assemble them in a blog post to record your first creations in the development of your cyborg concept. 

Wearable Performance Piece


In this exercise, you will create a wearable performance piece that helps you recreate a popular meme dance in a new way.  


Using basic prototyping materials, create a body attachment that moves.  Your performance piece should reinterpret the dance move of your choice and generate movement in a specific, intentional way.  

A few ideas to get you going: your attachment may act as an extra arm or leg, simulate another person dancing alongside you, or maybe help you combine two dance moves into one.  Tap into your inner choreographer/ youtube star and get grooving!  


Shoot a video / GIF and post your performance piece as a blog post with a description of how it works and what dance it enhances. 

Materials and Tools

  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Wood dowels
  • Plastic Drinking Straws
  • Hot Glue / Hot Glue Gun
  • Olfa Knife 
  • Cutting Mat
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Paper clips/fasteners
  • etc...
Imagining Cyborg Possibilities Print.pdf


We will launch the studio with some videos to explore the idea of a cyborg and to define the often confusing terms surrounding cybernetics to set the foundation of our projects.


After each video, discuss cyborg concept presented with the framing of the following slides. 


Either as a whole class or as individual students, sketch or write some initial ideas on the cyborg possibilities chart. We will return to this chart later in the studio as we brainstorm project ideas. 

Prototyping Methods


As we approach the end of the studio, our sessions should shift towards preparation for the final presentation of our projects. The first step of this preparation is the completion of a final, refined, physical prototype of our cyborg enhancement.  


Using the full scale drafted drawing, along with the skills developed in earlier activities, create a final prototype. This prototype should be a development of earlier iterations, taking what you have learned from testing and critique to advance the demonstration of your concept. 


Once your prototype is complete, record your work with many photographs of your cyborg enhancement. Photograph the project on and off of your body. Shoot video of your project moving and functioning. Upload all pictures and video to a blog post. 

Learning Goals    

In the building of a refined prototype, teams will be developing their Creative Confidence through the creation of a physical model that is more developed than previously thought possible through the utilization of skills developed in cardboard construction as well as LED and motor circuits. The final iteration of their conceptual exploration further develops competency in Innovation, the ability to create new solutions to a problem.